Monday, April 30, 2018

Dance Devon, Dance!

Devon was able to preform at our local mall on March 24th. He loves dancing and is quite good.

Afterwards we had some fun.

Hanging with the boys.

Friday, April 13, 2018


This year Junon chose to be baptized on Easter Sunday. Luckily my parents were able to drive up for it. Since it was Dad's birthday we just had to celebrate! He had his first Pinata, but unfortunately, Charles blew out his candles and got the winning string in the pinata pull. Poor Papa.

The Baptism was nice. Junon asked me to give a talk about the Holy Ghost so I made here a lap blanket to go along with it. 

 Henry had a shark attack during general conference.

Taylor led the egg decorating.

Rex is a good model

 This is my best shot of Junon with her blanket.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I've Seen the Light

Lizzy had the chance to construct a light using household items for her school project. She had fun coming up with the concept.

Devon is holding the plans.

Here's a video of her and Charles' projects. Charles made a leprechaun trap,

April Shenanigans

 Teddy keeps life interesting. He loves posing and asks for his picture all the time.   Lizzy decorated a cake at Young Womens. Meanwhile, I...