Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I love Costco! And twice a year they bring out the little girl dresses. Normally these dresses go for around $35-$50, but at Costco they are $19! Love it! So I am always excited to see the new dresses. This time I got Lizzy 2 since one was a little big. She may fit into it next year... Any way here she is sporting the black and white one, She is checking it's twirlability:
From 2011-09-25 twirl
I think it passed.

Mall Rats

So I needed a day out of the house and didn't have any specific plans so we headed to the mall. My favorite time wasting space. We played at the play area, Lizzy dominated the Submarine there. It was great until she bent a nail back and then a kid kept trying to hold onto Charles. I would get him off and he'd do it again. Lizzy, ever the big sister, ran over and freed Charles only to be latched upon. She started yelling and finally the boy's mother got involved. Thanks Mom, better late then never right? Any way we decided it was high time to relocate. We checked out a few stores for inspiration and Lizzy liked what she saw. Take a look:
From 2011-09-16 Mall
Need another look? Well here you go:
From 2011-09-16 Mall
I love my girlie girl!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Un Locked

Since my cousin was getting married in Seattle I had some family come up for the event. We decided to get together at the Ballard Locks It was a beautiful day and I was excited to see everyone. We wandered around the gardens a bit then went over the locks themselves.
Here is Lizzy looking over the lock:
There was a seal eating the Salmon as they were trying to climb the fish ladder. Poor things. There were plenty of fish in the viewing area though. Here we are learning about the Salmon growth cycle. It was fun then we went up to play on the waves: Isn't she a doll! We decided to go to Pikes place for lunch, but after touring the parking for half and hour we abandoned the idea and Sal, Caitlin and our family went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for a wonderful lunch. After that we drove home, but Sal and Caitlin went back to Gas works Park and met up with Grandma, Uncle Matt and Family. It was a nice day.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lions Park

The Lions Club helped build a park on the waterfront in Bremerton in 1964. It has beautiful views of the mountains and a bout launch. Walking paths and ball fields. It is a lovely park, but it was in need of a few repairs and parking was an issue and so on. So, the city decided to update it. We went to the re-dedication and viewed the park  for ourselves. It is still a beautiful park, but not one I'd recommend for children. The play equipment was removed and replaced with stone Whales, which, while beautiful, get rather hot. And one slide, a zip line ans a sandpit with a water rock. Oh, and there is a boat. All nice and all, but the play area is covered in mulch. Lizzy had splinters all over her body after a few hours of play, She also was injured on one of the rocks. Like I said, beautiful park, but not kid friendly.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It' Fair

We were able to go to the Kitsap Fair in Aug. I love going to fairs. It is fun to see all the artwork, flowers and crafts everyone has been doing.  Check out this cabbage:  Crazy huh? There were some amazing produce, especially since I haven't seen so much as a tomato out of my parent's garden. And here is a cake:  Doesn't it look good? We saw most of the animals and the kids got to pet a cow and rabbits. Jessica lost her lens cap in the Turkey pen, but it was retrieved for her. The kids had a blast. Here's Daniel and Charles in his modified carrier: He did get a few stares! I love the flower arraignments, they are always inspiring. My favorite was this one:  Isn't it beautiful? And of course the Dahlias were gorgeous. All in all it was a wonderful day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Walking on

On Monday the 12th we met together to have Family Home Evening As we do every Monday night. Ours starts with a Hymn and prayer, then we have a brief lesson and then we have share-time. This is usually the best part. It is when everyone starting from the youngest to the Oldest gets to share something. It doesn't matter what it is, everyone gets a chance to shine. We all applaud the person after each turn. So after Mom gave a wonderful lesson on what we learned in Stake Conference we turned to Charles for his share time when, low and behold, he takes three steps toward Mom by himself! We were all amazed and began clapping. Charles thought that was great and during Lizzy's share time he proceeded to take three more steps. He is a scene stealer for sure!  So of course I did not have my camera on me so no fun video, but I'll be ready next time! Nine months and Walking! Heaven help me. Here's a video I took at the Mall:
From 2011-09-16 Mall

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig.

So after four days of sitting on our rears in a car, we made it to Grandma and Papa's house. I am glad that the drive is over, but the kids did amazing! We got in a day earlier then I predicted, so we surprised everyone. Tabitha especially. We were able to help her though so is was all good. Here I am meeting my newest niece, Trinity!
From 2011-08-20 Move
 We had a nice visit with TJ and Family then we set off for Uncle Duane's house. That was a nice visit as well. Then we made the trek northward and finally made it here. Ron drove the truck for us and he arrived the following day. We spent the day in Tacoma at the Museum of Glass.
From 2011-08-20 Move
From 2011-08-20 Move
 Charles has taken to the stairs like a champ
From 2011-08-20 Move
 He is so mobile.
From 2011-08-20 Move
We had to dig the safety gate out of the storage unit.  We went on a few more adventures: we tried to play at the Fountain Park, but it was closed for repairs so we played in the water by the base instead.
From 2011-08-20 Move
 Then we went to the new Bug Museum in Bremerton. Is was fun and very interesting. The shop is not huge, but there was plenty to see. Here's Lizzy all bugged out!
From 2011-08-20 Move
 and my happy boy playing with bugs!
From 2011-08-20 Move
 And here's a great shot of Junon!
From 2011-08-20 Move
I love Charles' expression! And finally, because this post is getting dangerously too long: the library had a civil war not quite reenactment that we attended. I love going to things like that!
From 2011-08-20 Move
It was a fun first week back. Now it's time to relax a little. Yeah, right.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...