Sunday, September 18, 2011

It' Fair

We were able to go to the Kitsap Fair in Aug. I love going to fairs. It is fun to see all the artwork, flowers and crafts everyone has been doing.  Check out this cabbage:  Crazy huh? There were some amazing produce, especially since I haven't seen so much as a tomato out of my parent's garden. And here is a cake:  Doesn't it look good? We saw most of the animals and the kids got to pet a cow and rabbits. Jessica lost her lens cap in the Turkey pen, but it was retrieved for her. The kids had a blast. Here's Daniel and Charles in his modified carrier: He did get a few stares! I love the flower arraignments, they are always inspiring. My favorite was this one:  Isn't it beautiful? And of course the Dahlias were gorgeous. All in all it was a wonderful day.

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