Thursday, September 15, 2011

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig.

So after four days of sitting on our rears in a car, we made it to Grandma and Papa's house. I am glad that the drive is over, but the kids did amazing! We got in a day earlier then I predicted, so we surprised everyone. Tabitha especially. We were able to help her though so is was all good. Here I am meeting my newest niece, Trinity!
From 2011-08-20 Move
 We had a nice visit with TJ and Family then we set off for Uncle Duane's house. That was a nice visit as well. Then we made the trek northward and finally made it here. Ron drove the truck for us and he arrived the following day. We spent the day in Tacoma at the Museum of Glass.
From 2011-08-20 Move
From 2011-08-20 Move
 Charles has taken to the stairs like a champ
From 2011-08-20 Move
 He is so mobile.
From 2011-08-20 Move
We had to dig the safety gate out of the storage unit.  We went on a few more adventures: we tried to play at the Fountain Park, but it was closed for repairs so we played in the water by the base instead.
From 2011-08-20 Move
 Then we went to the new Bug Museum in Bremerton. Is was fun and very interesting. The shop is not huge, but there was plenty to see. Here's Lizzy all bugged out!
From 2011-08-20 Move
 and my happy boy playing with bugs!
From 2011-08-20 Move
 And here's a great shot of Junon!
From 2011-08-20 Move
I love Charles' expression! And finally, because this post is getting dangerously too long: the library had a civil war not quite reenactment that we attended. I love going to things like that!
From 2011-08-20 Move
It was a fun first week back. Now it's time to relax a little. Yeah, right.

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