Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mall Rats

So I needed a day out of the house and didn't have any specific plans so we headed to the mall. My favorite time wasting space. We played at the play area, Lizzy dominated the Submarine there. It was great until she bent a nail back and then a kid kept trying to hold onto Charles. I would get him off and he'd do it again. Lizzy, ever the big sister, ran over and freed Charles only to be latched upon. She started yelling and finally the boy's mother got involved. Thanks Mom, better late then never right? Any way we decided it was high time to relocate. We checked out a few stores for inspiration and Lizzy liked what she saw. Take a look:
From 2011-09-16 Mall
Need another look? Well here you go:
From 2011-09-16 Mall
I love my girlie girl!

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