Sunday, December 24, 2023

More Fun

     The youth went ice skating. It was Charles's first time, but he picked it up pretty quickly. Lizzy held onto her friend the whole time.

Lizzy and her girl team. Aubry was not feeling well, but she did really well.


Emily got this sticker tree from her teacher.

I tried a new do for Lizzy's wrestling. I am really bad at making her hair look good, so I have been experimenting. 

        Devon cracked a tooth on Tuesday, so we took him to the Dental Depot as they were the only ones who would take him right away. They had trains running round the office and Devon loved ringing the bell on the train outside. Turns out he didn't need anything done, other than wiggle it out, which he was grateful for. 

We decorated sugar cookies.

Poor Henry is sick. He slept on the couch while the rest of us watched Percy Jackson, the new Disney adaptation. We really like it so far.

Lizzy made bracelets for her friends for Christmas.

Today, Christmas Eve, Teddy split his head open.

But he helped to clean up the blood, so there's that.

    I guess that means we are good for the next year, I hope! Devon doubts it, but I remain hopeful. We did have a good long run with no head injuries, but all things come to an end I suppose.

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