Sunday, December 24, 2023

Winter Time Warms Up

 We watched Lizzy wrestle some more. She took 5th.

Our stake put on a night in Bethlehem and the forgotten carols. It was fun.

We have 3 advent calendars this year, one is full of toys and things. Emily got the mustaches.

I had to get a pic of this sunset.

Our Gingerbread masterpiece this year was a train.

Behold its glory!

I think Teddy is trying to tell me something...

    I got to attend Devon's choir concert. It was really nice, but Devon was not confident with the words of all the songs, so he mouthed a lot and did not want to be there. I am proud of him for going though.

Teddy has been in and out of illnesses lately. This was his emotional support bread. He didn't want to eat it, but he needed it. I can understand that. Bread is life!

    I finally received my FoE Craft, He had asked which X-Men character my kids resemble. I guess he wanted to make up a game but got overwhelmed and in the end was too unsure to continue. He sent me a bunch of comics that the kids liked. He was new to crafting and I hope this didn't discourage him from doing more.

Taking Teddy shopping is fun. He kept stopping and asking for his picture to be taken.

We finally got around to decorating the tree.

    We celebrated Santa Lucia a bit late this year, Lizzy's schedule just wasn't conducive to her performing her duties as Santa Lucia. She enjoys waking her siblings ever so much. She didn't get to stay for the feast though. It was quite modest as our celebrations usually go.

Gathering her Star Boys.

Emily was put out that I didn't have anything for her. I need to make her a wand.

I love traditions. 

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