Friday, January 19, 2024

Happy Holidays

      Christmas Eve was eventful! As we wrapped presents, Teddy decided to fall and bust his head open. Charles was a champ at getting it taken care of. Luckily it wasn't very big, so we avoided a hospital visit. Daniel put some lights out to make this magical scene.

Teddy helped clean up his blood.

Ready for Santa!

Emily made sure I left cookies and milk out. Last year I forgot.

The kids enjoyed their stockings then we had breakfast before the present frenzy began.


My FoE exchange:

I'm excited to try some of the recipes. 

Emily got Henry this blow-up chair, it lasted about 2 days, but they had fun with it.

Lizzy's shroom haul! The next day we saw some flurries, but nothing stuck.

On New Year's Eve, we celebrated with crackers.


On New Year's Day, I had the kids paint something they were looking forward to in the coming year. 

I took pictures to update our profiles.

Dia de Los Reyes was fun. Since Emily found the baby last year she helped to hide it this year,

This year I served it with sweetened whipped cream and vanilla pudding.

Lizzy found the Baby Jesus!

I am excited to see what the new year will bring.

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