Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Washington to Washington Days 25-26

 The next day we visited historic Fredricksburg.

We found this pizza place that has gigantic slices. It was good!

   At the visitor center, we got to vote for the best peep diorama and picked up a map of the otters. They have otters and dolphins in the river so Fredericksburg has statutes of otters throughout the city. We had to figure out the clues to find them. We got most of them. It was really hot, so we left the rest for another day.

Making Spritz cookies!

Charly and Ian came up for her baby shower. The kids played Taylor's Tavern game for 2 days!

As part of the party, we had to guess what the baby would look like, this was my submission:

Jessica did a fabulous job decorating!

Devon got real cozy in all the wrappings.

I can't believe I get to be a great Aunt! I'm so excited to meet their little one!

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Summer Fun

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