Sunday, October 8, 2023

New Information

 Daniel had been looking at jobs for a while, honestly, I don't think he ever stopped, but he put more emphasis recently. He got 2 interviews for plants in the Kansas City area. I knew that was where he wanted to be so I supported him. He flew out to a site for another interview and really liked the plant and people. The area is south of Kansas City MO. 

 Next thing I know, we're planning on moving forward. So we are moving in a few weeks. I am going a bit crazy preparing for it. I am going to Florida for my friend's birthday on the 10th and Daniel decided to move the family while I'm away! I guess it's his turn to take the kids on a crazy trip. 

 He accepted the job and we talked to a realtor, signed the paperwork, and found a house to rent in Blue Springs. We're packing and downsizing a bit and I keep staring around bleakly, but I know this will be a good change for us. So wish us luck!

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