Sunday, October 8, 2023

One Last Time

   Some time ago, a few individuals heard about this community art thing making a rock snake. They were trying to get it working here and after a few false starts, it seemed to be going strong. I asked the kids if they would like to decorate a rock to add to it. Kind of like leaving their mark on Goldendale. They were game and this is how it turned out:

These are Lizzy's:


Charles is the big one with Lizzy's on the first plate, Devon's is the swirly pink one, Emily did the green ones and Teddy's is the reddish one. Henry's is the giant purple and yellow one.

Placing our rocks on the snake.

Seeing the colors change in the yard. The Daliahs came up so nice this year.

The kids wanted me to take a pic of these merged fruit snacks, they're dino-mite!

I finished my FoE Craft, this month's theme was spooky.

   The tire pressure sign was on for a couple of days, but I didn't see any problems, but Sunday morning it was flat! So we loaded up in The Beast and headed to church, but Daniel and Lizzy changed the tire for the spare since I had an apt in the Dalles on Monday. Luckily I was able to get the tire repaired right away on Monday morning and it has been going strong ever since.

    We went to OMSI to use up our tickets, Lizzy hadn't been since we got our membership. While the big kids went on the sub tour, Teddy and I explored the 6 and under section. We didn't get to see it last time. Teddy had a blast.

    Henry joined us and had fun playing with the volcano. It comes apart to show you the inner workings of a volcano, he used it to trap cars.

  I went to the Portland temple and our session only had 6 patrons in it. I haven't been in such a small session in ages. It was nice to visit one last time.

Afterward, I got dinner at the restaurant, Thai Basil. The Lake Oswego noodles are my absolute favorite! So yummy!

Here's Daniel watering his plants. He has really taken such care of them. It's a true labor of love.

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