Thursday, December 1, 2022

Mayor for the Day

Emily was chosen to be the Mayor of Goldendale for the day! It was quite the honor and quite the day! The Mayor took us on a tour of the police station, and water treatment facility. Later we toured the fire station. 

She received lots of gifts and 2 commemorative coins.

Meeting the staff and trying out the gavel.

We went to tour the police station first.

        Here we are meeting the staff of the water treatment plant. He took us on a tour of the site, and I only took a Marco Polo I guess. So this is my only photo. She told some of the workers to get back to work, and one of the guys didn't like that much, but she was told to say it by their boss. 

We went home for a bit and I made apple pie since we had a few overripe apples.

Grandma read to Teddy

 Then we went to the fire station to have a tour and then arrive at the council meeting in style! Our firefighters are all volunteers. They had little kits and, hats for each of the kids. It was really nice.  I have never ridden in a fire truck before. It was a blast!


Then she opened the council meeting, we were able to leave after the business really got going and she made sure to collect everything, including a calendar they have for council members! It was funny.

The council members and everyone had such a fun time. I'm so glad we had this opportunity.

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