Thursday, December 1, 2022

August Highlights

         The Portland temple was closed for 2 months so I took advantage and went to the Columbia River temple. I had never been in such a small temple before, it was a real experience! Everyone was so nice and helpful. They don't have a chapel so you dress and then head right into the ordinance room to wait. The celestial room was right in front of the ordinance room and then opened to the same hall to get back to the changing rooms. The bathroom was nearly hidden. It is a beautiful temple.

Girl's camp was way out there by Yakama kinda, so I picked the girls up, on the way I spotted this cute little truck.

We went to the fair and saw the archery competition.

        We visited the PUD's booth and spun the wheel of prizes and each got a huge mug. It was fun, I only had 4 kids with me then; when we went back with the other 2 they were disappointed that they didn't get mugs too.
         Lizzy has decided to try sports this year. They started their season with a midnight practice. She has really embraced the sports and made some good friends there. She wants to play goalie next season.

      Since my huckleberry dealer moved away I decided to go berry picking. I tapped my local knowledge friend for info and she suggested Mt. Adams. I got my picking permit and map and off we went! It was surprisingly chilly, my kids were not prepared for that, but luckily I had some spare clothes in the trunk. Since it was later in the season it was hard to find berries, but we finally found a little spot full of them. I had hoped for 2 gallons, but we ended up with almost one. It was enough for some muffins. Next year I will go earlier, also maybe take a better map, because GPS doesn't work up on the mountain and we were so lost trying to get back. We ended up halfway to Stevenson! But we made it! 

I don't know what it is about forests that calm me, but they are seriously my happy place. I love green plants and wild woods. Must be the witch in me. This one was full of natural bridges. So fun!

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