Thursday, December 1, 2022

Grandma's Visit!

   The Primary had a Friend to Friend and one of the things they talked about was making temples out of marshmallows, so of course, Henry had to try it. 

   Daniel finally was able to go to Belgium for Butler training, so Mom graciously came to help while he was away for almost 3 weeks. We had the best time! She helped Devon make cookies.

  We picked up peaches to can and on the way back we visited the War Memorial. It was Mom's first time, I was shocked to discover. The day was perfect, not too hot. And we discovered it had been yarn bombed!

  Mom got us a tour of the Greek Orthodox Monastery. All women need their heads covered and have to wear skirts.  The monastery is beautiful, and they are working on expanding it. 

This is a smaller room for services, off of the main area.

John the Forerunner

Here is where visitors can burn candles.

These prayer benches are quite helpful for long prayers.

   Later I took Mom to the Bavarian Deli just outside of town. I had wanted to try it out. I take Mom to all the best places! It turns out it's a one-woman show. We chose the beer garden, it was nice until a hornet decided to bother us so we went inside.

We had the special, it was really good! The sauerkraut had bits of sausage in it.

  She was celebrating her 2-year anniversary. She started with just selling from the display case until she had enough interest to sell hot food.

She was fun to talk to and we had a great time. 

I decided it was time to get my hair cut. I went to a place in town and I really like it.

Maryhill Art Museum was having a fiber arts festival. They started with shearing the sheep down to finished crafts. There were artisans from all over representing different fiber arts. It was amazing. From the website: "Drawing inspiration from the people, the landscape and the river, 13 artists designed original fiber-based artwork in collaboration with the local community and a designated community partners along 220 miles of the Columbia River from the Willamette Confluence in Portland to the Snake River Confluence near Walla Walla, Washington.  The finished works will connect to adjacent sections to create a large, 70-foot flowing sculpture with the Columbia River as a central element."

    We were so blessed to have Grandma here. I was able to get my beets and peaches canned and made jam! I know that would have been so much harder, plus having another adult around is so nice.

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