Thursday, April 21, 2022

Winter Wrap-up

    Dealing with a head injury is interesting. I couldn't wash my hair for a few days so it was all matted with blood in parts and impossible to do anything with. The Dr had cut some of my hair to stitch me up so I have these fun short hairs on the top of my head that I can't hide. It's the best. But all in all, not my worst injury, but definitely not the most annoying so I guess that's a win.  

Henry likes to play this game called Mr. Mustachio. He puts his finger under his nose and suddenly Mr. Mustatio is there. I pretend that Henry has disappeared. He thinks it is hilarious. So Daniel joined in the fun.

Teddy's first snow suit. He wasn't sure how to react to this situation, poor thing.
We decorated cookies to deliver when we carol.

Henry is very efficient, frost all cookies and dump sprinkles on top. Done!
I got Teddy's stocking all finished except for the embroidery.
Henry was so proud of his tower.
The boys love having a dinosaur at the gas station.

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