Thursday, April 21, 2022

Ice Caves

 We took the Martins to the Guler Ice Cave. 

    It was great until I hit my head on the ceiling right as we were heading out. Because it was a head injury I had a fair amount of blood leaking out. It was a 2-inch gash. So, of course, I didn't have my first aid kit. I clamped a sleeve over my head and made it out of the cave. We ended up holding a diaper on my head as we went to the ranger station to have me looked at. They were, of course, closed. So we drove the hour and a half back to Goldendale. I was going to just leave it, but after consulting with a few medical friends I went in to get stitched up at the hospital. The day I have a visit with the Martins and don't end up in the ER is a miraculous day, I tell ya! I ended up with 4 stitches, and the Dr didn't wait for the numbing medication to take effect, so that was fun. Oh well. I try to make things exciting. On another note, Charles got his birthday gifts.

We had a gingerbread competition and let Grandma pick the winner over video.

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