Monday, January 3, 2022

Family Time

 Weddings and funerals, nothing brings a family together quite like them. While I love getting together with my family, it is a sad way to get together. But I digress, I was excited to spend some time with my siblings and extended families.  One of my second cousins came up from California for it. I think it has been nearly ten years since I last saw him. We rented an Airbnb in Lehi and it was perfect. I hope to use it on future trips. We celebrated birthdays and enjoyed each other's company. 

 My brother took us up the canyon to play, it was so serene, except for the threat of kids getting into the water, I wasn't prepared for wet kids, so we had to keep them out of it. 

  We went to Waffle Love for dinner, then we went back to our place for Tabitha's and Henry's birthday party. 

It's not a party without a pinata. 

   On Sunday we went to the Tongan Ward with the Newbreasts, it was really different. Charles had been wanting to bear his testimony and was so excited to go up until the first speaker said it in Tongan and he noped right out of that. He got his chance later in our ward so that was okay. The songs were in Tongan too and the kids couldn't understand that the hymn numbers were different in the English hymnal. They kept trying to sing different hymns.  The building was weird tas well. The chapel was pink, the walls even, they had a pipe organ which was so cool. The mother's lounge was a thoroughfare, It had recently been the way to get to the other side of the building, but they just built a new corridor and had paper signs, but no one followed them. I went in to nurse Teddy and the room was packed with people, they decided to leave when I sat down and began feeding, One lady came in without a kid and sat down and talked to me the rest of church, she had a crazy life I can tell you! In between war stories, all sorts of people, all ages, came running through there. They all looked at me like I wasn't supposed to be there. Oh well.  
 Since it was fast Sunday only a few of us had lunch. I took Theya up to Aunt Cheryl's to pick up a few of Grandma's things. We got to chat and it was so lovely. It really helped me heal a bit, I don't think I have had the opportunity to talk to her and Armin without kids taking up my attention in years. It was so nice to just catch up and reminisce. 

  Later we went to Sal's for dinner, they made quite a spread. Lizzy and I helped Caitlyn make some yummy brownies. And we discovered that Devon is allergic to cats. Fun times.

The view from the bluff.

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