Monday, January 3, 2022

The Trip Home

  On our way back home we were nearing the Golden Spike monument and I begged Daniel to go see it. I lived in Utah for eight years and have been back numerous times, but I had never seen the golden spike. My family made the trip while I was on my mission and I still have the postcard they sent me.  He agreed and we drove and drove and drove and drove. I had no idea how far from the freeway it is! We made it just in time for the ceremony and it was amazing! 

  We got a little lost on our way out, GPS did not work out there, but we got to see some cool rockets and Daniel knew all about them, so that was cool. We finally made our way back onto the highway. It's always an adventure!
Boise Temple!

We got to stop for a little bit and visit my friend Amy as they were packing up to move to Nashville. Isn't she the cutest!

Here Daniel is trying to explain how we know Amy to her brother-in-law. It was hysterical.

I can't tell you how sad I am that she is moving to Tennesee, I loved having her only 4 hours away.  

Our view of the pretty sunset.

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