Saturday, January 6, 2018

Utah Leg

   Our trip down to Utah was great. We stopped first just outside of Bosie, Id for the night and then drove down to take a tour of my Dad's new office in Layton. I had to follow a AAA Fire truck to find the right place, the sign is tiny. The kids were so excited to be out of the car they rolled on the marble floor and started kissing it. It was too funny.
 Let's take a meeting.

 I have never seen so many fire extinguishers in one place before! 
 The owner and his wife are big hunters, this was his wife's kill.
 The Brains!
We went to lunch at a Burger King with a play place so the kids got some wiggles out.
Then we split ways. I dropped Cynthia and NaDene off and headed to my Mom's house. It was so Nice to visit with her. After giving the kids a chance to play a bit, we headed to my sister's house for dinner.
 Pizza! Dinner of Champions!

 Can't tell we're related can you?
 Henry can sleep anywhere!
Then we dared the impossible and left the kids there with the menfolk and went clothes shopping. It was so fun, but Henry woke up so we had to cut our trip short a bit. By then it was pretty late for us anyway so we headed back to Mom's for the night. The next day we got to see Grandma June. Where Devon left his mark.

There is a play set outside, next to a newly made pile of dirt. A pipe had burst next door and they fixed it, but hadn't filled the hole yet. Devon had to climb the mountain! Conquer he must! In the only wet dirt in the state. Sigh.... At least it made Grandma laugh! 

   After a quick cleaning we left to visit with my Brother and his family. It was my first time visiting their new house and of course I got lost. GPS, how you mock me! We had a great visit and the kids got to play in the snow, well the flurries. The boys tried to catch the flakes with snow shovels. It was hilarious. Devon again left his mark, this time in the form of a bloody nose. Caitlin made the best Carmel sauce and treated us to apples dippers. She is ready to pop any day now. I am excited to meet their newest baby. We had a wonderful visit and then I faced the snow storm that popped up to visit my Grandma and Aunt Cheryl.

Lizzy and her namesake.

 Aunt Cheryl had surgery on her ankle so she has a sporty little scooter. Jack was very festive in his new collar. 

We chatted and then headed out for some dinner on the way back to Mom's. The snow was really coming down then so it was a good thing we didn't stay too long. We had a good night's sleep and then headed out early the next day to pick up Cynthia and NaDene and resume our eastward trek.

I loved this holiday display the library put on.
We stopped for the night in Limon, CO and Charles showed us how the cool kids brush their teeth.

 We left early the next morning and drove pretty much strait through to Olathe. We got home right about the same time as the rest of the family so that was great. Let the Festivities Begin!

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