Monday, January 8, 2018

Olathe with an AH!

   We made it! Only one real meltdown (from my eldest, if you can believe it) and a ton of nuggets later, we arrived at my In-laws! Daniel had been there for a few hours already. We got there in time to settle in and help with dinner before going to a night in Bethlehem that the ward was putting on. Prepare yourself for the candid shots! I took a ton.

Henry and I stayed home because I had a headache and didn't really feel up to socializing.  
   The next day we visited and the grandkids had a special breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa. They learned games and magic tricks. Devon stole Grampa's hat. He complained of a strange ringing in his ears all morning.

 Invisible balls

 Playing Buzz 

 The first gift orgy begins. Every grandkid got a book and a waterbottle filled with goodies.

 Who is that mustached man?
 Playing Cats

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