Thursday, January 4, 2018

Boys Will Be Boys

We decided to have a real friend party for the boys this year. It is the first time they have ever had one so it was kind of a big deal. Since the boys birthdays are two weeks apart, we decided to celebrate them together. I asked them what kind of party would they like and they said a pirate dinosaur party. Ok, pirates dig up treasure, dinosaurs get dug up.... I can work with this! We set a date and sent out invitations and realized that our two weeks of gorgeous weather was going to disappear the day of the party. Ugh. I can handle 12 kids in my home right? Right??? Maybe? But on we persevered! I went to Costco to order a cake and lo and behold they had a pirate themed cake. I showed it to Devon, and he said no. He wanted the rainbow cake. But. but it's a pirate party....Nope! Rainbow. Ok kid it's your party. grumble grumble... I ordered pizzas too and set up a feast of kid friendly delights.
   Each attendant received a bandana, sword and eye patch and had to make a treasure map while we waited for everyone to show up. We had lunch and then went on our treasure hunt to the back porch! There we had the treasure chest filled with Dino eggs and a dig your own Dino claw set covered in paper shred.

 Digging up bones.

 Everyone wanted a piece of the rainbow!
 The present plunder!

Chaos ensued, but all had a good time. Happy Birthday Boys!

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