Thursday, January 4, 2018

I'll Be Home For Christmas

   In January Daniel felt like we should go to Kansas for Christmas. So we started planning. He couldn't take enough time off of work to drive, and flying us all would be too expensive, so we came up with a plan. We figured Joseph and Heather couldn't go home for Christmas on their own and I needed another driver for when I was feeding Henry so we asked them. They got on board with the idea and so then the next problem was the vehicle. Our 7 seater van was full so we looked for something bigger. Luckily we had heard about Enterprise and how they sell off their rental vehicles after 3 years, And they deliver!

Checking out the new ride. 
    We had it brought up from California. It was perfect. We took it on a few test runs, camping and visiting family. At first I was afraid that I wouldn't like it. I have never liked driving big vehicles, but it's so easy to drive. It's pretty old school which I like. So problem 2 solved. Check.
    Daniel bought his tickets and we set up getting the "Beast" road worthy. Daniel got some tablets from Amazon and figured out a system to have our movies played on them for the kids. This was the most time consuming part and in reality we are not finished. We have a large library and it's a mix of digital, DVDs, and VHS. Trying to find a system that would work for all of them was challenging, but Daniel found a system that works for us. He started converting and organizing our library in January, and has spent every spare minute converting. This mostly takes place at night, but I just want you to realize the crazy dedication Daniel has to making this trip possible.
   So while Daniel tackled the digital, I went to work on the physical. I wanted something that they could do other then watching 23 hrs of videos. I checked out pinterest, my muse for all things creative and found a trove of ideas. I settled of a few and started my Trip Treat Books. (I put the majority of the printables in the link.) They were fun to put together. In addition I spent way too much money at the dollar store getting little games, puzzles, magnets and toys to give out during the trip. My favorite were the glow stick toys, it gets dark rather early now so the glow sticks were great fun after dinner. I also made the kids activity trays and pillows. Here's some pictures of the stuff in action:

   I thought we were ready! Then my copilots disappeared. They moved to Maryland, so we contemplated our options. Option One: Daniel goes to Kansas without us. Option 2: I try to trek cross country on my own. Option 3: we fly them out here to drive down with me. Option 4: we find another copilot. Unbeknownst to us these options were being considered by other family members and plans were being set in motion. I was really holding out for option 3. I had no desire to drive 5 cranky kiddos through 6 states on my own. Luckily family pulled through and My wonderful Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law consented to accompany me. Since we didn't have to go to Rexburg I decided to spend a day in Utah visiting my family and a few of the Bartholomews there. Especally Grandma June. When I called to set up a visit, she was so excited. I was excited that the kiddos would see all of their cousins this year. That is a first for us. But more on that another time. Stay tuned!

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