Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Giving Thanks

  This year we celebrated with my Sister and her family. It was great fun as always, even though we had some illness strike. Poor Emily woke up in the middle of the night (the day Jessica was due to arrive) vomiting. She didn't have a fever, and was as energetic as ever, but still sick. I texted Jessica to let her know and they braved the drive anyway. On Friday night Devon woke up screaming that he "hates being sick. I hate throwing up!" Poor guy. Turns out a ton of people were sick over the holiday. Half my ward had someone throwing up. Yikes!
 Anyway to the fun part Charles turned 7 on Wednesday so we had fun celebrating.

Rex got to come down for a bit. That was a pleasant surprise. He made his super secret rolls.

While I prepared the turkey. All my years of training had prepared me for this mayo facial turkey technique:

I am spreading a compound butter under the skin. Yummy! Please excuse the crazy hair. I can't do anything with it right now. Meanwhile there was an exciting bout of boxing in the rain.

 Devon was the announcer and he did a great job.
 And Behold! The magnificent glory that is a thanksgiving table........

Jessica and I each made cranberry sauce this year. Mine was jelled and Jessica's was a whole berry sauce. They were yummy and I think a new tradition. 

It was an exciting week for Charles, he lost a tooth!

On Friday we all went to Ape caves to see the meatball.

 I imagine this was similar to the view Jonah had.

Henry fell asleep so Daniel put him under his sweatshirt.

Then Daniel and I got to take the girls to do baptisms at the Portland Temple. It was such a neat experience. I have never done baptisms there before. You enter from a side entrance.
The girls had left their recommends at home, but the recorder was able to look them up so after a few min we were able to proceed. The font was the smallest I have ever seen! I'm sure the girls were afraid of hitting their heads. The regulations recently changed, so I was able to wear my street clothes while watching the baptisms. I had brought my whites to change into, just in case. The brother who had given us his family names was able to attend and help with the confirmations. It was a special experience.

 I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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