Sunday, November 5, 2017


As my favorite holiday, I was excited for Halloween this year, but with the new baby my energy levels are a little less then sparkling. Luckily 3 of the kids decided to get costumes from Costco so I didn't have to make them. I already had something for Henry so just Lizzy needed a costume. As usual her requests kept pouring in. I patiently waited, (did nothing) while she made up her mind as to what character she really wanted to portray. I was not prepared for her final answer: Pachi a character from a little known and relatively new to us TV show called Mix Master. Here's a screen shot so you know what I was working with.
 Image result for patchi mix master
Lizzy had lots of ideas about how to put it together, her suggestion to use a hoodie was genius. So I got looking and finally found one online. Getting the right color took a bit of searching. When it arrived, we went to the fabric store for some fur and  appendages fabric. I searched online for days for inspiration or advice, but it seems that no one had made this character before. Or if they did they were holding out on me! Finally the week before Halloween I got to work, Lizzy helped me draft the patterns and gave me encouragement as I tried to make her costume come to life. In the end I am pretty pleased with the final result and Lizzy loves it, so my work here is done!

We never get many trick or treaters here, but this year was so sad. I had 4. Four people! Oh well. Daniel had put up this way cool projector with funny skeletons and creepy scenes. We did have one car stop and watch for a while, but thy didn't have trick or treaters. Oh well. the kids had a great time.

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