I sat on the table and had my spinal inserted. It was the fastest easiest one I have ever experienced. So much so that I was shocked when he said it was done. That was a good sign. Then, as I lay down and got to the numbing, the team got working and then Daniel was allowed in. I convinced them to let me have the little window in the drape open the whole time so I could sort of see what was going on. Besides having over double the amount of amniotic fluid, everything went according to plan and at 9:36 AM Henry was born. He wailed and wailed so his lungs were clear! He was 8 lbs. 2 oz and 21 in long. By far my biggest baby. He was so covered in vernix he cheesed the plastic window.
I was so excited to hold him! He's just perfect. He eats like a champ and has no shortage of diapers! We had been struggling to name him. We agreed to Henry as a middle name, but couldn't agree to his first name. Daniel was rooting for Fitz, but I was unconvinced. We kept thinking. In the meantime, we had some visitors, my sister and her kids came. I don't have any photos, but they were so cute with him.
I had Daniel put together my Mother's day gift, portal figures! Lego for the win!
On our last day at the hospital, the nurse came in and asked if we had a name yet. I sighed, "No" and she said, "It's funny, I keep wanting to call him Henry." It was the light bulb going off. She didn't know that we were thinking of Henry as a middle name. When Daniel returned I told him about it and he agreed that his name should be Henry and said that we should have Gomez as his middle name. It was so perfect. I immediately agreed. Gomez is my father's middle name. It's my Grandma's maiden name. It felt right. I was so happy that we were not leaving the hospital with an unnamed baby.
Ready for his first trip home.
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