Thursday, September 28, 2017

And Then There Was Seven

 On September 5th at 6:30 in the morning Daniel and I entered the Legacy Hospital to prepare for my 5th C-section. (Mostly that means waiting around. Although we had to shower with special soap in the morning and the night before.) After some time and more prepping, Daniel got into his spiffy outfit and I headed to the OR. By now I think I have been in all their operating rooms.
   I sat on the table and had my spinal inserted. It was the fastest easiest one I have ever experienced. So much so that I was shocked when he said it was done. That was a good sign. Then, as I lay down and got to the numbing, the team got working and then Daniel was allowed in. I convinced them to let me have the little window in the drape open the whole time so I could sort of see what was going on. Besides having over double the amount of amniotic fluid, everything went according to plan and at 9:36 AM Henry was born. He wailed and wailed so his lungs were clear! He was 8 lbs. 2 oz and 21 in long. By far my biggest baby. He was so covered in vernix he cheesed the plastic window.

 I was so excited to hold him! He's just perfect. He eats like a champ and has no shortage of diapers! We had been struggling to name him. We agreed to Henry as a middle name, but couldn't agree to his first name. Daniel was rooting for Fitz, but I was unconvinced. We kept thinking. In the meantime, we had some visitors, my sister and her kids came. I don't have any photos, but they were so cute with him.

 I had Daniel put together my Mother's day gift, portal figures! Lego for the win!
  On our last day at the hospital, the nurse came in and asked if we had a name yet. I sighed, "No" and she said, "It's funny, I keep wanting to call him Henry." It was the light bulb going off. She didn't know that we were thinking of Henry as a middle name. When Daniel returned I told him about it and he agreed that his name should be Henry and said that we should have Gomez as his middle name. It was so perfect. I immediately agreed. Gomez is my father's middle name. It's my Grandma's maiden name. It felt right. I was so happy that we were not leaving the hospital with an unnamed baby. 
Ready for his first trip home.

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