Monday, June 11, 2012

Farm life

On Saturday we decided to visit the Pomeroy Living History farm. They were having a steam logging demonstration and we were itching to go. The farm is run by the decedents of the Pomeroy family. We got to talk to them about the history of the area. It was great fun. Lizzy really liked the wash board!
From 2012-06-11 Pomeroy Farm
 She kept going back to wash more. Once inside the house the theme was "Cradle to Grave" So in the master bed room was the wedding dresses of most of the Pomeroy Women who have lived on the farm including a great great granddaughter who was married at the farm a few years ago.  Mrs. Pomeroy could still fit into her wedding dress in the 1950s before she died. You can't really see the picture on the wall, but that is her. Women traditionally wore black wedding dresses until Queen Victoria wore a white dress to her wedding.
From 2012-06-11 Pomeroy Farm
The coat and hat were so she could wear the dress to other functions. On the table is her hope chest. In the dining room Lizzy and Charles tried their hand at churning butter:
From 2012-06-11 Pomeroy Farm
Also in this room was the famous "bed" it is a desk, closet, bed and dresser all in one. The purchased it form a college student. I don't know if they were common or not but it is definitely a piece of engineering. They had the pictures of Mrs. Pomeroy's funeral there as well.
From 2012-06-11 Pomeroy Farm
Upstairs was the baby cradle and clothes. In each of the 4 rooms was a different time period of when the family lived there. From the 1930s - the 1970s. It was neat to see the evolution. Then we went to visit with the farm animals. Lizzy fed the goat named Lewis, the one named Clark was too shy. Then we met the pigs, Ham and Bacon. We tried to coax the horse over, but he was content eating the grass and we didn't have anything tasty to offer. Then we loaded up on the Hay ride and headed up to the steam logging.
From 2012-06-11 Pomeroy Farm
 It was very exciting and loud!
From 2012-06-11 Pomeroy Farm
After a while we rode back to the farm and had lunch while listing to a country band. It was so fun. Lizzy challenged Daddy to a game of chess. Then we saw the blacksmith and visited the gardens before heading home. What a wonderful day!

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