Monday, June 18, 2012

Fabulous Forth

From 2012-06-15 Portal Party Lizzy 's 4th bday
Recently my little girl turned 4. Let me tell you how her week went... First she had to go to the dentist to have her tooth extracted. The day was fine, we went early so Lizzy could drink the magical juice to help her relax during the procedure. She drank it down like a champ. The nurse was impressed. Most kids gag. Then we let her play with a leap pad that they had. I really like our pediatric dentist office. It's called Adventure Dental and they are ready for kids, they play kids movies in the tiki reception room and have game stations for the older kids and quite a few leap pads with games that teach you good oral health. I was glad because I had my charge with me again and she was not sad at all this time. Yay! Anyway so the Dentist had warned me that a loss of bowel control was highly likely and to be prepared. So I put Lizzy in a pull up and thought that would be fine. It wasn't. She filled the pull up and continued onto the floor and I quickly grabbed my bag and Lizzy and headed to the restroom. The medicine was in full swing now so she was cognisant, but unable to use her limbs and feeling very fuzzy. I got her cleaned up and then the nurse took her away and started the procedure.
 They told me that she was getting mad at them, but that is pretty standard for this type of medication. So thy put her in a HUG, basically a strait jacket, so she couldn't bat at them and finished up. We were all happy to leave the office afterwards. Lizzy cried for a bit, but then we got ice cream so everyone was happy!
 The next day was her birthday! Lizzy had been asking for a Portal Daniel made her a portal gun and I made her a companion cube.
From 2012-06-15 Portal Party Lizzy 's 4th bday
She loved them both. Charles really wanted a portal gun for himself. Lizzy was sweet and let him play with it. Here's a video of Daniel showing them how it works:
From 2012-06-15 Portal Party Lizzy 's 4th bday
Lizzy also loved the gifts she received from her grandparents. From the Gutierrez's she got a fun watch and grow planter and today we spied the first sprouts! From the Bartholomew's she got a matching outfit for her and her doll. They looked so cute. She continued to wear the outfit for the next 3 days and she cried when Daddy put it in the hamper. And from Great Grandma  Murphy she received a darling little doll. She is still talking about her gifts. All in all a successful party.

The next day she had to go to the doctors and get 3 shots. She is still upset about that. I'm glad the week is over!

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