Monday, June 4, 2012

Visiting Vancouver

My parents came down for a few days and we toured Portland. I love Portland, the bridges, the light rail, the people! It's fun to visit. First we took in the art of Chinese gardens at the Lan Su Chinese Garden.
From 2012-05-19 Portland
 They had some guests who were teaching about the Chinese dragon races. It commemorates the death of a servant of the king who tried to save the kingdom, but instead was banished and upon hearing of the loss of the kingdom and the king's death he drowns himself. Here's what the dragon boats look like. File:Dragon boat budapest 2010.jpg   They race on the Columbia River on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calender. The women of the racing team had a drum that they let Charles and Lizzy play!
From 2012-05-19 Portland
we saw a strange art car outside the gardens:
From 2012-05-19 Portland
 Then we went on the Areal Tram to get a good view of Portland.  It was a great day!

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