Thursday, October 3, 2024

KC Ren Faire

     The last time we went to the Kansas City Renaissance Festival I was pregnant with Charles. We went with Tony and Susan. It was so much fun and so much bigger than any of the fairs I had attended previously. So Daniel and I were excited to return. Costco had a great deal on tickets that included turkey legs, so I snapped them up. I had to convince a few of the kids to dress up, but I am nothing if not persuasive.  Per usual I was making costumes up to the last minute. We invite Floyd to join us.


The kids made magic wands and learned the spell: Avasillyface! Here Teddy is demonstrating.

We met a wizard.

    There were lots of fairies. Interacting with guests who get into the spirit of the festival is my favorite. They are always so happy to pose for pictures and usually have a little trinket to give you. The kids loved collecting the various treasures. Next time I will come prepared with an offering.

I found the TARDIS!

    Part of the festival is learning about the artisans and crafters. If you visited 6 booths and learned something you were rewarded with a free ticket to return! I was expecting a sticker or something. When she handed me the tickets I was floored.

I first encountered the High Flying Fools years ago so I was excited to see them again. I was surprised that this was their first time in KC. 

We had a great time and I am excited to go back.

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KC Ren Faire

       The last time we went to the Kansas City Renaissance Festival I was pregnant with Charles. We went with Tony and Susan. It was so muc...