Thursday, June 20, 2024

May Continues!

     Devon graduated from elementary school. It was a sweet ceremony. They sang A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman. They combined it with a DARE graduation.

When you graduate, you get to decorate a ceiling tile. This was Devon's design. He worked with 3 other students to complete it. 

I got to see him walk out for the last time. The unicycle club led the way.

The ward had a park day, so we went to Pink Hill Park to play.

    To celebrate my in-law's anniversary, we had a small family gathering and went to NaDene's grave. It was a beautiful day and I loved being with everyone. Grace decorated her grave.

On another park day, most of the parks have splash pads which is wonderful!

    We also celebrated Daniel's birthday just the way he wanted, with very little fanfare. I made his cookies and he had a regular day. As much as I love celebrating, I know he doesn't, so I try to just give him enough to know we are happy to celebrate his milestones without going overboard. Happy birthday Daniel!

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Summer Fun

      Daniel took us to Fort Osage and it was so fun. They had reenactors and activities for the kids to do. This was their third year doing...