Friday, June 21, 2024

Happy 18th

     On June 2nd Daniel and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. The kids were sweet and made a cake. Devon made it and Lizzy decorated it. It landed on a Sunday this year so we dressed in our wedding colors.

Daniel took me out to a Castle for dinner. Its called the Wandering Vine.

It was delicious and our waiter was so nice.

    Since we were celebrating our anniversary the propieter came over and shared her wisom of 43 years of marraige. She gave us this rose in a tiny carafe, and said that if ever they were mad at each other they filled a carafe with wine and each took turns drinking from it until either they forgave eachother or were too drunk to let it bother them anymore. If you reach the bottom and still feel mad, you just refill the carafe and continue on. I had to laugh. She was very nice. Happy Anniversary Daniel! 

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