Friday, November 24, 2023

Discovering Blue Springs

    Our ward does a monthly mom-and-kids playgroup and since the school had a teacher in-service day, All kids were welcome. We went to the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead It was fun and interesting trying to find people I had never met amongst so many. In the end, we did meet up. and I was introduced to some lovely women. 

    It was a fun day if a little rough in the beginning. The kids whined the entire drive and Henry refused to exit the vehicle, but as soon as I coaxed them across the threshold, they all had a splendid time. I'm sure we will go back many times. 
    I was sad that we did so little this Halloween, What with moving we really didn't have time for much and I didn't decorate so it was very different, but the kids still had fun. We raided the costume boxes, (I say boxes, for there are several) and headed to a multi-ward festival. We had the traditional chili and cornbread followed by a fashion show and games then trick or treating down the hall. Lizzy helped with the face painting, while Charles helped with a shooting game. It was really fun and interesting to try and keep who was in what ward straight. Our building boasts two wards but they are in different stakes. So that was new for me.

    On Halloween, We had our stuffed pumpkin. Henry and Emily took turns helping me clean the pumpkin. We had a ton of trick-or-treaters. I had to raid the candy from my Disney trip. It was fun to see the costumes and even to see some older kids coming out. We had to turn our lights off at 8,  we were tapped out. It was freezing, so the town decided to celebrate on the following weekend as it was warmer. I have never seen that before. 

Ready to take on the neighborhood!

I think Charles has the creepy clown persona down!

It was a fun night!

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