Saturday, November 25, 2023

Busy Days

     October finished in a rush and November came hard on its heels. There was so much to catch up on and new things to experience. Teddy found a little space to carve out some time for himself.

Charles had his first concert. It was really cool.

      Emily insisted I document her injury. It was one of the many we have endured lately. My kids are not dainty by any means, but they are likewise not very spatially aware. If there is a day without an injury of some sort it is to be praised. 

     The bus driver will not let the younger kids off unless she knows a parent is home. For this reason, I often find myself on our stoop at 4:10 each afternoon. Currently, the waning sunlight rests right in our front yard so I get to bask in its light as I wait for the bus to appear. As the foliage rained down with its final vestiges of color, I snapped this picture. I love autumn. The sights, the smells the crispness in the air, that hint of the icy chill to come. The promise of beauty before the crushing cold that inevitably encompasses the landscape for far too long. Beauty for ashes.

Lizzy finally put her pictures from the soccer team up in her room.

I received my FoE creepy craft exchange.

I took Teddy out for lunch at Costco.

Here Teddy is helping me make Curtido.

The Middle school put on The Little Mermaid Jr. We had a fun time watching it.

I got to go to Lizzy's Westling practice.

    There are over 70 kids on the team and only 4 girls currently. Lizzy is the only girl who has wrestled before and she is enjoying teaching the girls her tricks. She is also the heavy weight for the girls so her coaches often pit her against boys more in her weight which she doesn't like because she actually has to work hard to pin them. It's good for her though. 
    Uncle Floyd had his birthday so we bought a bunch of balloons and Lizzy made him a card. We drove over and sang Happy Birthday and then ran home to meet Grandpa.
     The elementary school had a grandparent/special person day and we were so happy to have Grandpa Bartholomew join us.

Devon showed us his under-the-sea diorama.

Emily interviewed Grandpa.

     It was a fun night. We played bingo and each kid got to pick a book to take home. They had cookies and candy and played a game in the gym while we waited for our turn to get a picture.
    Devon has rediscovered his love of cooking. He made these swig sugar cookies all by himself and since we didn't have our mixer attachments he did it all by hand! They were tasty and I was proud of him for finishing it. 

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