Wednesday, June 7, 2023

May the Fourth

 This year I made my own Star Wars shirt for May the Fourth. It worked out pretty well. I made Lizzy one too. Jessica had given me some Star Wars patterned vinyl when she moved, and this was a perfect project for it. I'm still a  novice when it comes to the Cricut, but it worked this time, Huzzah! 

   This isn't the best shot, but you get the idea. Lizzy's had a huge picture of the Deathstar. I didn't realize that they had an extra plastic coating that you should remove, so we went through the morning with it really stiff, once I found some of them peeling off my shirt I got the idea and removed them. It was much more comfortable to wear then. Most of the kids wore some sort of star wars shirt or socks. We finished the day with our traditional Sarlacc cake. It's so yummy! When I was driving to the Dalles, I thought this hillside resembled Jabba the Hut. I was heading strait for him!!!!
The library got in on the fun too!

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