Saturday, April 29, 2023

April Photo Dump

 The FoE's have started "Waistcoat Wendesday" and Emily dressed to impress!

(Waistcoat is an antiquated tearm for vest.)

   Speaking of vests, Another fundraiser we did was pitures and I decided to do our family pic in vests. Most of the family had a grey vest already so in classic Sabrina dashion I decide this 2 hours before our scheduled tie. I of course did not have a vest, so I sewed one up. I didn't have time to do it properly, so I didn't line it and didn't even have the buttons done. I sewed it up and pinned it on. I hope it looks ok in the pictures. I did finish it properly later. Devon helped me cover the buttons. He liked doing that.
   Dad had given me fedex hats for the kids, and here they had picked out their favorites. Devon has worn his everyday since!

   I was invited to lunch with a sister in the ward who lives halfway between Goldendale and Roosevelt, to get to her house you drive through the wind turbines. It is so cool to see them up close. They are massive! It was a beautiful spring day and I loved the view. Lunch was wonderful. Terry used to live in Port Orchard and we had a lot in common, we chatted for over 2 hours and toured her gardens. It was lovely. 

Henry was hiding in the pillows and Teddy went to find him. 

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