Monday, January 9, 2023

November Just Keeps Coming

 Henry has loved building things with the magnatiles at school. He frequently holds on to them to show me his creations.

Teddy has become entirely too independant! He gets into everything! 

   I had seperated some meat and wrapped it up, but apparently not too well. As our dinner was thawing we got an impressive blood stalagmite build up. Maybe glance away if you are squeamish. 
The deer have been eating our pumpkins with great relish.

Teddy was here.
Leaf angels!

Lizzy and Teddy were rocking out while she was doing the dishes.
We got crafty for Veteran's Day.

   Daniel and I actually went on a date! We had dinner at the Legion Hall for Veteran's Day. It was fun being around so many veterans again.  I got dressed up for the anniversary of my Friend Torii's birthday. We had a virtual celebration.

Lizzy had a team bonfire night with her wrestling crew.

  I drove the youth to Stevensen for a stake game night. It was fun, but the road was closed due to an accident so we had to take the bridge of the Gods, which sounds miuch more impressive than it really is. The activity was fun and I met so many nice people. 
   We had the library appreciation night for the Friends of the Goldendale Library. I was appointed as the secretary at our meeting. We discussed how we were unable to go to the appreciation day in Vancouver, ( we are part of the Vancouver Library System) and one of our number was lamenting that we had no gift for the party the next day. So I made gifts for all our vollenteers. I was babysiting a classmate of Henry's and she was so helpful with my craft. I made little books that said "You are number one in our book!" and put them in plastic ornaments. I also had gold star ornaments on the gifts since we had joked in our meeting that everyone deserved a gold star.  Here are some of our ladies doing a gingerbread craft.

Henry decided he needed more eyes.
Teddy got a huge goose egg on his forehead from rough housing with the kids.

   As I said, November just keeps coming! I joined aparenting class as part of Henry's preschool offerings, so I was gone every Wednesday night for an hour. It was interesting, but hardly new information. I did appreciate knowing how they addressed issues in the classrooms. It did make my wed nights super busy. So for 2 weeks I was gone every other night with meetings. It got a little stressful. 

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