Friday, January 13, 2023

Charles Turns 12

    Charles chose to have a turkey-themed birthday party. It was the first friend party we had had in several years. He helped me design the invites and came up with all the activities. He had invited 8 or so friends, but only one showed up. We made the best of it though. Of course, we had a pinata.

We made crowns. 

The turkey feathers were gathered from our yard. 

We played pin the feather on the turkey.

   He chose to have brownies with ice cream for his treat, and we had tons of pizza because I had ordered 4 from Costco. I later took some to the youth when we were driving to a stake activity. They were very grateful. Our guest kept commenting on how differently we do things from their experience. It was interesting. I think Charles had a good time though.

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