Saturday, January 7, 2023

It's Fall Ya'll

 October came in with a bang! Devon is really loving the structure school provides. He is doing really well.

  I got to chaperone a dance and it was so sad! The music was all over the place and kept cutting out. Lizzy had asked several school friends to attend, but only Hunter came. I'm glad no one else did, it was embarrassing! They played Piano man twice! 
So the kids played duck, duck, goose, and tag.
I got my FoE craft! Isn't it cool!

I found out that the Presby Museum was shutting down for the season so I conned Daniel into going. 

It was so neat, so much nostalgia! I loved it.
   Henry had heard that one of my FoE friends was sick so he painted this picture for her. Isn't that just the sweetest? 
I attended another LARP and our hostess made this beautiful picture to commemorate it.
I was Miss Catherine Bennet and had a glorious time!

We supported our volleyball team.

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