Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Painted Hills

 We had wanted to go camping this summer but never could get it quite nailed down. So we went over memorial day weekend. I had heard about these 3 national parks in Oregon: Painted Hills, Clarno, and Sheep Rock. They were all right about an hour from each other and perfect for a weekend trip. So we packed the van and headed south for about 3 hours. We found this free campsite. It was very primitive, but that was fine. The views were spectacular. What I didn't know was it was en route for a marathon that weekend as well, so we had lots of runners going by. 

Is is really camping if you don't do smores?

There were lots od bones scattered around, and we definitely heard a wolf or coyote pack in the night.

Off to the painted hills!

        After visiting the Painted Hills, we went to the Cant Ranch and toured the house and barn. The park ranger was so nice. The Cant family came from Scotland in 1910 and bought 700 acres from the Officer family. They started a sheep ranch and the family still lives and ranches on part of it. Their granddaughter donated her portion to the National Parks.

The kids loved playing with the wool.

This is one of the first buildings when the Cant family arrived.

The orchard boasted several varieties of fruit trees and we were encouraged to eat the fruit.

These were the sheering apparatus, Lizzy liked the teeth.

     Unfortunately, the Thomas Condon Paleontology and visitor center was closed due to a staffing issue. So we went back to the Can't Ranch for lunch. The sweet park ranger gave the kids a badge. 

We stopped in Fossil and checked out their museum and schoolhouse. The curator was so nice and knowledgeable.

Belly up to the bar boys! What'll you have?

Daniel was less enthused to be behind the bar.
This was the schoolhouse.

       Back home! It was a fun trip, we were too tired to climb around the Clarno site. I hope to go back sometime though, they have fossils all around there. I think Teddy was ready to be home though.

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