Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 While I was at parent-teacher conferences, Henry decided to go find me. He put on his father's boots and headed outside unbeknownst to his fellow siblings. 

  A neighbor found him on High street, which is the street just past our property, so basically he just got to the edge of our property, but the neighbors found him and couldn't understand him of course, so they called the police. So I got a call on my way home from Devon's conference from our house, I assumed it was Charles asking for an update, but it was the police informing me of the situation and inquiring when I would be home. I told him where I was and that I was on my way. The officer wasn't so concerned, he didn't even wait for me to show up. 

Back home Henry helped me make lemon curd.

And Teddy did some trick riding!

What a Day!

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