Sunday, August 21, 2022

June Bursts In

 I decided to tackle our standing freezer. It was way past time for a defrost. 

 Devon and Emily helped for a bit. Teddy kept trying to eat all the ice. He was sopping by the time we were through!
Ahhh, so much better!

I saw this at WinCo and it amused me, One of these things is not like the other!

   On the Second we celebrated our 16th anniversary and I wanted to do an old-fashioned shrimp boil. I loved it, the kids, not so much. They were so confused when I dumped everything on the table!

They all liked dessert though! I got a chocolate tuxedo cake from Costco.

     It's kind of crazy that Daniel and I have been married for 16 years now. Time really flies. I am eternally grateful Daniel found me. It has been a wild ride, but there is no one else I would want to ride along with me. Love you Daniel!

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