Sunday, August 21, 2022

Ag Day

 Living in the country has some perks, one is a robust FFA program. Every year they put on a free family event called Ag Day. They have games and a petting zoo and food and demonstrations. It's a mini fair. Lizzy participated and Daniel and I brought the two youngest boys to check it out. Henry loved all the tractors.

  This was a timed maze and you had to identify a flower at the end and then run back. Henry had trouble with the colors so it took him a while to finish, he ran it several times though.

Lizzy's booth was making butter and goat masks.
This was a demonstration of the layers of soil using food items, build your own dirt cake!

The saddle kept wanting to slide forward if you were really rocking.

Milking the cow.
We ran into Devon when his class came to visit.


It was a fun day, later Charles and Lizzy went to Yakama to hear Elder David A Bednar speak. Parents were not invited, so I'm not sure what he said. The kids didn't take good notes because Elder Bednar told everyone not to take notes. Oh well, I hope they enjoyed it. 

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