Saturday, June 25, 2022

It's a Celebration!

Do you know what March 14th is?  My brother's birthday and Pi Day! We,
of course, celebrated with our favorites. 

The leprechaun left some goodies on St. Patrick's Day!

We were privileged to go to Rex's retirement ceremony. We all wore our Navy blue in his honor.

Here he presented his flag to his Mom after a sweet dedication to her.
We had a fun reception at the church.

Afterward, we celebrated Papa's birthday at the Airbnb we were staying at.

Then we headed to the Martin's for dinner.
It was a fun trip and really lovely what the Navy presented Rex with. 

We were having the missionaries over for dinner on the night when Lizzy was supposed to cook so I suggested that she try smoking. Here she is after putting the rub on her pork shoulder.

She smoked it with Daniel's supervision. Here he's shredding it. It was so good!

In school, she worked on building planters.

Daniel and Lizzy got to see a demonstration from the fire department.

Our neighbors had a controlled burn that they started way late at night, here it is at 4 am. I was not sure if it was controlled so I was watching it for a bit to see if I needed the fire department. They had it well in hand, but it was crazy.

We were lucky enough to have Sal and Caitlin join us for a bit. 

We took a walking tour of the historical homes.
Henry really liked the map.

No cousin time is complete without a lightsaber duel!

Sal showed us some cool chemistry by burning different substances. The kids loved it.

Back in school, Lizzy participated in a flower arranging competition. She did very well.

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