Saturday, June 25, 2022


 For some reason I cannot fathom, most wards I have attended don't do anything to celebrate Easter beyond the regular Sunday fair. In Vancouver, we went to the Methodist church for Easter egg hunts, but here in Goldendale, I was determined to do something. So I cornered the bishop one Sunday and asked if I could put on an Easter egg hunt. He was either trying to get rid of me or really thought it was a good idea because he said yes and disappeared. I got my ok so I ran with it. I based it on the ones we had been attending, but not so big. I didn't know what the turnout would be and I didn't want to burden others with my madness.   

 I ordered eggs, stickers, and candy and used my calling to disguise stuffing eggs as "service". I needn't have bothered though, once the Relief Society President got wind of it she gladly took responsibility for it. The RS will be presenting an Easter egg hunt. Great! More permission, muahahaha My plan is working....

I put up posters 3 weeks before, set up Facebook events, put reminders on the ward calendar, and made paper handouts. I wanted everyone to know. Of course, the stake decided to do a service project with the youth on the same day and time. But no matter! In the end, it snowed so the stake event was canceled and we moved the hunt inside. We had an amazing turnout, we even had investigators and inactive members come. 

We played a quick video about Christ's life and had eggs to color.

It went quick, but it was fun. Oh, and I had made the kid's new easter egg baskets so they got to debut them. They picked out the fabric and I sewed them up.

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