Friday, August 6, 2021

Introducing Theadore Ray

     In the days leading up to Teddy’s birth, my ob team was quite nervous. They really didn’t feel like they could handle my condition. I understand, on paper, I am quite an intimidating case. I tick several of the high-risk factor boxes before we even come to a repeat c-section. In truth, I felt that all the other factors were answered with the fact that it was going to be a c-section. I mean when the doctor tells you that there are complications in a pregnancy, the final outcome is usually, “We may need to consider a cesarean as a final option.” However, in my case, this really was the only option. This would be my 9th pregnancy and my 6 c-section. Yeah, not trying a v-back on that! 

     So my options were, deliver at OSHU in Portland or Legacy in Vancouver. Not surprisingly I chose the hospital where my last three were born. I know them and appreciate their work. The two-hour drive was not the most ideal, but after meeting with Dr. Coleman, we decided that I would continue care in The Dalles, and come in for the surgery. That suited me fine. What I did not expect was that their blood pressure machine would make the erroneous deduction that my bp was highly elevated. Dangerously so. Dr. Coleman assured me that though he felt I was fine, he could not in good conscience send me home if my BP didn’t come down. There was talk of being admitted then and there. I was not prepared to have a baby right then. Luckily the nurse rechecked me with a manual cuff, (which I insisted on, machines don’t like me.) and my BP was lower. I got the all-clear and called Daniel to tell him to stand down. No Baby tonight!  The Obs rejoiced.

      As the days got closer I did get a little nervous. I was having Braxton hicks contractions and the thought of going early and how that would involve a helicopter ride to Vancouver….Well, it was distressing to consider. I did have a dream that I had asked Daniel to put the baby in the car for me so we could go to an appointment and as I got in I turned and low and behold, the baby was sitting in the passenger seat just with a buckle on, flopping around. It was terrifying and hilarious at the same time. When I awoke I knew that it was from feeling unprepared. We hadn’t pulled down any of the baby things yet and the date was 2 weeks away. I related my dream to Daniel and wouldn’t you know it, the baby things were all pulled down in the next few days. Thanks, Honey! I got to work sorting and washing everything and when I pulled the first batch of tiny clothes out of the washing machine to put in the dryer, I had my first ever real panic attack. I was looking at those clothes, so many little garments, and I thought, “I don’t think I can do this again. Not an infant. My last baby is turning 4, can I really do this again?!” So I had a little cry and straightened my shoulders and moved on. After all, Heavenly Father asked me to do this, and there’s no backing out now. There will always be levels of inadequacy in parenting. Every time you think you finally figured out what you’re doing they change the rules. It is a tough job, raising a child and it doesn't seem to get easier as they age. But I digress.

      The day arrived, We were expected at the hospital at 11:30, so we were able to get the kids off to school before we had to leave. Luckily my wonderful Mom was here to keep things running at home for us. We said goodbye and then headed out to the 84. The day started off sunny and then rain took over. I didn’t mind though. I love rain and we need it here. The drive went smoothly and we arrived a little after 11. We went up to labor and delivery and got all checked in. The nurse who took us back to get prepped told us how her husband thinks Goldendale is the most beautiful place in the world. She was super nice and very efficient. She got me all setup, iv-ed, and gowned. Then the actual nurse came in and took over. Her name was Chris. She finished preparing me for surgery and gave Daniel his sweet paper gown.

     I met the anesthetists and Dr. Coleman came in to see me. He just wanted to make sure I haven't changed my mind on anything. I assured him that Yes, I do want the surgery and the tubal. I’m not leaving here without it! They all got a good laugh out of that. Then we walked down to the OR. Daniel had to wait in the recovery room until I was all numbed up and the shield was up.

      My only experience with surgery is this scenario. Except for Lizzy’s dramatic entrance, I have had all my c-sections scheduled and it runs about the same. I sit upon the table and make like a shrimp. I curl up but also push out my lower back. I have been told that I make an excellent shrimp. The anesthetist then inserts the needle and gets the spinal going. I get laid down and my arms are splayed out on these long thin tables. I get oxygen and usually a blanket because I am freezing! They put up the shield and start walking through the procedure with the team. My belly gets cleaned again, seriously it’s like the 4th time each solution is a little stronger than the last. It takes 3 minutes to dry so they all stand around a bit while the assisting doctor hit the instrument tray and almost dropped them all, but they were caught. He will not be living that down for a while. Then Daniel joins us and you can hear the distant strains of “Let’s get down to business…” 

      Daniel is my photographer, I am so envious of his view. I can’t really see anything. I can feel lots of pressure and tugging, but that’s about it. I always enjoy seeing the pictures later, at last, they pull him out and put him against the plastic barrier so I can see him.

    Like Henry was before him, Teddy was covered in a thick coating of vernix. The white cheesy substance protects his skin from the amniotic fluid. He smeared down the plastic leaving a trail of cheese. I got to touch him through the shield for a bit before his cord was clamped and the nurse took him to the warmer to rub him down and get the measurements. He was 7 lbs and 15 oz, 21 in long. His head was slightly large, but I never caught the actual number. After demonstrating his lung capacity, he was then given to me to hold on my chest. As the nurse laid him down I had the name Theodore come to my head. Up to that moment, we had no name for him. Not even a real list of contenders. I had suggested Norman as a middle name and was toying with Ray, but nothing seemed quite right. The kids had asked us nearly every day if we had a name yet. I was tired of saying no but also didn’t have an answer. My FOE friends gave many great suggestions, in our chats he was named Rhett for Rhett Butler since Butler is Daniel’s code name there. 

      I got to hold him for a while while the team finished the surgery. It was so nice. That was a first for me. Usually, they wrap them up and Daniel gets them until I get wheeled into the recovery room. Things are always changing. They took him back while I was transferred to the recovery bed and then I got him back for the ride to the recovery room. I thanked the team and away we went!

      I asked Daniel what he thought about Theodore, and he liked it. He suggested Ray as the middle name and it was perfect. I decided that I would call him Teddy. I think Teddy Bartholomew is adorable. Later Daniel looked up the meaning of Theodore and it means gift from God and I just knew that it fitted. He truly is a gift from God to us. We changed the o to an a because we liked the adore or Theadore. It’s a little different, but not uncommon. Teddy took to nursing right away. He was a little jaundiced, but not enough for light therapy. Mostly I was told to feed him as much as possible. 

      The next few days were a blur of nurses, sleep deprivation, pain, and sweet moments with our new baby. I threw up twice, once I was too greedy with the water, I hadn't had any since the day before and it was close to 5 pm. And my body wasn’t quite ready for it. The next one was due to pain. This recovery has been much more painful. Even a week after I can barely walk to the bathroom without pain. Recovery is always so difficult because in my head I should be doing more, but my body can't handle it. I was so blessed to have both Daniel and my Mom there to help out. Mom even stayed an extra week since Daniel had to go into shutdown at work, (it makes his schedule longer and less predictable). More on that later, but for now we are so happy to have Teddy in our family.

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