Friday, August 6, 2021

Coming Home

 Teddy's last day in the hospital! He was so ready to leave. 

Our first stop was to visit our friends the Thurmans. The hospital is like five mins from their house. It was so nice to catch up. Jessica made that blanket for Teddy. It was her first time crocheting and she put all our favorite colors in it. Isn't it beautiful?!

    Eating chocolate while I was pregnant was painful, so I was saving up all the chocolate I got during my pregnancy and we had a tasting event. It was fun.
We were worried that Henry would be upset about having another baby, just the week before we had him, he loudly announced that HE was the baby at church to a sister when she asked him his name, but he loves Teddy baby, as he calls him. "I'm Henry baby and he's Teddy baby!" 

Lizzy is quite the helper. sometimes I worry that I ask too much of her, but she is helping me keep my sanity.

We celebrated Daniel's birthday, Mom got him a cool game.
I got my new tiara for a FOE tiara Tuesday and Torii remembrance day.

All my boys!

    The kids love their new brother. Teddy wasn't gaining weight so we had to supplement with formula, once we started that he grew leaps and bounds. I am so grateful that we have that option. The kids like to take turns feeding him. 

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