Friday, January 20, 2017


For the first time since 2008 we had a significant snowfall. More like a snow dump. In a single night we gained 12 in. Having not seen such a sight in a few years it was magical!  Here it is coming down:
The kids loved it. Then as it didn't go away it began to lose it's magical sheen. I think they only played in it 3 days. Of course since it hardly ever snows here we didn't have the basic accouterments, shovel, snow gear or sled...
 We survived it! The kids missed six days of school, so they may be in until the fourth of July, but we survived it! We only had one incident, the boys left a pillow next to the wall heater and it charred it. I got to it before the smoke alarm. Lizzy wanted to do our fire escape route, looking back we probably should have, oh well. Adventures!

 The icicles were quite impressive.

Our Camilla was bowed in half!

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