Monday, January 9, 2017

Halfway Out Of The Dark

It's the seasons of holidays and family get togethers.   We had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with my sister. And her famous Christmas Cookie Exchange! It was fun and small, but we had a blast. We played a few games and had Italian sodas. Yum! Christmas eve we made cookies and went caroling in the rain. I love Washington! I find less and less people venture out to carol each year, but it is a favorite tradition of mine. We go 2 or 3 times in the month and everyone loves it. I love seeing the people's faces light up when they realize we are caroling! Last year we added a few more houses and one lady about cried she was so happy to get carolers. She hadn't had anyone come by in years. We made sure to keep her on the permanent list.
  But I digress, After caroling we put the kids to bed and finished the last minute wrapping. This is fun too. Christmas was on Sunday so we went to church before opening any presents. It was hard on the kids, but it made for a smooth morning. Sacrament meeting was so nice. It was fun seeing everyone. The kids even got to sing with the primary children since they had practiced the same song.
Charly's dress had dreaded sparkles on it so when she got up to sing, there were sparkles everywhere. Charles got it in his head to get as many of said sparkles on his clothes. He achieved this by sliding along the pew like it was home plate! Unfortunately for him, the sparkles didn't stick to his vest. Yay! It was a fun time celebrating. We swept up the presents after they opened them in the car so we wouldn't lose them,so when we returned home the next day it was like a second Christmas! Bonus! I hope your Christmas was wonderful too!

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