Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Baptisms and Blessings

From 2012-01-28 Taylor's Baptism
Saturday we were able to witness Taylor's baptism. I love going to baptisms. I was grateful that my children were able to see their cousin get baptised. Lizzy is so excited about being baptized that she mentions it almost everyday. She knows that she has 5 more years to go, but she is so excited! It makes me smile. Then on Sunday my nephew received a name and a blessing in sacrament meeting. 

Isn't he the cutest? Daniel was able to stand in the circle while Rex performed the blessing. It was very special. Afterwards we had to rush home so Daniel could leave for Vancouver. I always hate it when he leaves for long periods, but that's where we are at right now. Hopefully he'll be back next weekend! This weekend was wonderful!

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