Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Moving Target

On our last day in Bremerton we went to the Lowe's build and grow workshop and then Jessica and the gang came over to say goodbye. We had a nice visit and then Daniel took off with the truck. We stayed and chatted and then the girls got held up Grandma style!
From 2012-02-21 Playing @ Grandmas
 We took a few pictures and then we headed down to our new abode in Vancouver. Lizzy tells everyone that we moved to "Couver." It only took us a few days to make it livable. I think we are getting good at this! Here's a video tour of our new place:
From 2012-02-21 Playing @ Grandmas
So we are starting our new adventures in Vancouver. So far its been nice, the ward is very friendly and the library is amazing. I am excited to discover more!

Clowning Around

The Fred Myers near my Parents just put in a gas station and we went to their opening extravaganza! Not only was the gas discounted, but they had brought in a pair of clowns from Bellingham to make balloons and do face painting. Lizzy asked for a cat on her face and she was so good at holding still for Zigzag, the clown.
From 2012-02-04 Clowing around
 Then the other clown did balloons. I liked his air pump:
From 2012-02-04 Clowing around
 It was a fun and free event. I love those!
From 2012-02-04 Clowing around

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dress Re-fashion

I have pinned ton of t-shirt dresses on Pinterest, so I finally made one for Lizzy. I liked how it turned out. The shirt was a heavier knit so it was a little difficult to sew, but not too hard. It just made me want a serger even more. Alas. Anyway, here is the finished project, I made the arm holes a tad too big so I fixed that later.
From 2012-01-27 Shirt dress
Luckily Lizzy loves it. It reminds me a little of a  Romulan outfit, but I like it!

Baptisms and Blessings

From 2012-01-28 Taylor's Baptism
Saturday we were able to witness Taylor's baptism. I love going to baptisms. I was grateful that my children were able to see their cousin get baptised. Lizzy is so excited about being baptized that she mentions it almost everyday. She knows that she has 5 more years to go, but she is so excited! It makes me smile. Then on Sunday my nephew received a name and a blessing in sacrament meeting. 

Isn't he the cutest? Daniel was able to stand in the circle while Rex performed the blessing. It was very special. Afterwards we had to rush home so Daniel could leave for Vancouver. I always hate it when he leaves for long periods, but that's where we are at right now. Hopefully he'll be back next weekend! This weekend was wonderful!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...